Source code for wlalign.alignment

import collections
import random
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

from .utils import check_is_adj, check_is_alignment, check_compatible_adj

[docs]def permutation_from_alignment(alignment: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Transform a matching into a permutation matrix. Args: alignment: np.ndarray n-by-2 array with one row per node in the graph. The node indexed by the first element of each row is mapped to the second element in each row Returns: np.ndarray Permutation matrix corresponding to the alignment """ check_is_alignment(alignment) p = np.zeros([alignment.shape[0]] * 2) p[alignment.T[0], alignment.T[1]] = 1 return p
[docs]def apply_alignment(graph: np.ndarray, alignment: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Permute the nodes of a graph according to a specified alignment. Args: graph: np.ndarray Graph that is being permuted. alignment: np.ndarray n-by-2 array with one row per node in the graph. The node indexed by the first element of each row is mapped to the second element in each row Returns: np.ndarray The permuted graph. """ check_is_adj(graph) check_is_alignment(alignment) p = permutation_from_alignment(alignment) return p.transpose() @ graph @ p
[docs]def length_wl_signature(k: int, l: int) -> int: """ Returns the length of the WL signature corresponding to the width and depth parameters given as input. Args: k: int Width of the breadth-first search. l: int Depth of the breadth-first search. Returns: int Length of the WL align signature. Raises: ValueError : if k <= 0. ValueError : if l <= 0. """ if k <= 0: raise ValueError('Cannot have breadth-first search with negative ' 'width.') if l <= 0: raise ValueError('Cannot have breadth-first search with negative ' 'depth.') return sum([k ** i for i in range(l + 1)])
[docs]def signature_wl(g: np.ndarray, k: int, l: int, node: int, volumes: Optional[list] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the WL-align signature of a node of a graph from its adjacency matrix. Args: g: np.ndarray Adjacency matrix of the graph. k: int Width parameter of the breadth-first search. l: int Depth parameter of the breadth-first search node: int Index of the node of which the signature must be computed. volumes: Optional[list] List containing the volume of each node. If not passed, it's computed on the fly from the adjacency matrix. Returns: np.ndarray Signature of the node. References: Matteo Frigo, Emilio Cruciani, David Coudert, Rachid Deriche, Emanuele Natale, Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier; Network alignment and similarity reveal atlas-based topological differences in structural connectomes. Network Neuroscience 2021; doi: """ check_is_adj(g) if volumes is None: volumes = np.sum(g, axis=1) elif len(volumes) != g.shape[0]: raise ValueError('The passed node volumes do not correspond to this ' 'graph.') def f(path): if len(path) == 1: return volumes[path[0]] else: u = path[0] v = path[1] vv = volumes[u] if vv == 0: vv = 1 return g[u, v] / vv * f(path[1:]) n = g.shape[0] queue = collections.deque() queue.append([node]) signature = np.zeros(length_wl_signature(k, l)) idx = 0 while queue: path = queue.popleft() signature[idx] = f(path) idx += 1 if len(path) <= l: norms = [] for z in range(n): path.append(z) # disconnected nodes have norm 0 and go at the end of the list # after sorting norms.append((z, f(path))) path.pop() random.shuffle(norms) # ensures random tie breaks norms.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1]) for z, fz in norms[:k]: queue.append(path + [z]) return signature
[docs]def wl_align(g1: np.ndarray, g2: np.ndarray, k: int, l: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the WL alignment between two graphs as in Frigo et al., 2021. Args: g1: np.ndarray Adjacency matrix of the first graph to align. g2: np.ndarray Adjacency matrix of the second graph to align. k: int Width parameter of the breadth-first search. l: int Depth parameter of the breadth-first search Returns: np.ndarray Matrix with two columns and one row per node. The first element of each row is the index of the node in the first graph that is aligned with the node in the second graph indexed by the second element of the row. References: Matteo Frigo, Emilio Cruciani, David Coudert, Rachid Deriche, Emanuele Natale, Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier; Network alignment and similarity reveal atlas-based topological differences in structural connectomes. Network Neuroscience 2021; doi: """ check_is_adj(g1) check_is_adj(g2) check_compatible_adj(g1, g2) volume1 = np.sum(g1, axis=1) volume2 = np.sum(g2, axis=1) n = g1.shape[0] signature1 = np.zeros((n, length_wl_signature(k, l))) signature2 = np.zeros_like(signature1) for u in range(n): signature1[u, :] = signature_wl(g1, k, l, u, volume1) signature2[u, :] = signature_wl(g2, k, l, u, volume2) c = np.zeros((n, n)) for i, ui in enumerate(signature1): for j, vj in enumerate(signature2): c[i, j] = np.linalg.norm((ui - vj), 2) ind_row, ind_col = linear_sum_assignment(c) return np.array([ind_row, ind_col]).T