Source code for wlalign.utils

import os
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

[docs]def load_network(fpath: str, delimiter: str = ' ', skip: str = '#') -> \ np.ndarray: """ Load a network from a text file with the adjacency matrix Args: fpath: str Path of the file where the adjacency matrix is saved. delimiter: str Character that separates two consecutive entries in a row. Default: whitespace. skip: str Lines that start with this character will be skipped. Returns: np.ndarray The adjacency matrix. """ g = np.loadtxt(fpath, comments=skip, delimiter=delimiter) check_is_adj(g) return g
[docs]def check_is_adj(g: np.ndarray): """ Check if a matrix is an adjacency matrix Args: g: np.ndarray Matrix to be checked. Raises: ValueError : if the matrix is not 2-dimensional. ValueError : if the matrix is not square. """ g = np.asanyarray(g) if g.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('The matrix is not 2-dimensional') if g.shape[0] != g.shape[1]: raise ValueError('The matrix is not square')
[docs]def check_is_alignment(alignment: np.ndarray, n: Optional[int] = None): """ Check if a numpy array is a valid alignment. Args: alignment: np.ndarray Alignment to be checked. Must be n-by-2 numpy array. n : Optional[int] Number of nodes expected to be found in the alignment. Raises: ValueError : if the alignment does not have 2 dimensions. ValueError : if the alignment does not have 2 columns. ValueError : if the alignment does not have n rows. ValueError : if the alignment is not a 1-1 correspondence. """ if alignment.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('The alignment must be 2-dimensional.') if alignment.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('The alignment must have 2 columns.') if n is not None and alignment.shape[0] != n: raise ValueError(f'The alignment must have {n} rows. ' f'Found: {alignment.shape[0]}.') if not np.array_equal(np.unique(alignment.T[0]), np.unique(alignment.T[1])): raise ValueError('The alignment is not a 1-1 correspondence.')
[docs]def check_can_write_file(fpath: str, force: bool = False) -> None: """ Check if a file can be written. The function checks if the file already exists, the user has the permission to write it, overwriting can be forced and, if the file does not exist, if the parent directory exists and is writable. Args: fpath: str Path of the file to be checked. force: bool True if the file can be overwritten, False otherwise. Raises: FileExistsError : if the file exists and can not be overwritten. PermissionError : if the file esists and the user does not have the permission to write it. PermissionError : if the file does not exist, the parent directory exists and the user does not have the permission to write a file in it. FileNotFoundError : if file does not exist and the parent directory does not exist. """ if os.path.exists(fpath) and os.path.isfile(fpath): if os.access(fpath, os.W_OK): if force: return else: raise FileExistsError(f'Specify `--force` to overwrite ' f'{fpath}') else: raise PermissionError(f'User does not have permission to write ' f'{fpath}') else: d = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fpath)) if os.path.exists(d): if os.access(d, os.W_OK): return else: raise PermissionError(f'User does not have permission to ' f'write file in directory {d}') else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Directory does not exist: {d}')
[docs]def symmetrize_adj(g: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Transform a graph from directed to undirected by summing the weights in the two directions of each edge. Args: g: np.ndarray Adjacency matrix of the graph to symmetrize. Returns: np.ndarray Adjacency matrix of the symmetrized graph. """ check_is_adj(g) return g + g.T - np.diag(np.diag(g))
[docs]def check_compatible_adj(g1: np.ndarray, g2: np.ndarray): """ Check if two graphs have the same number of nodes. Args: g1: np.ndarray First graph to compare. g2: np.ndarray Second graph to compare. Raises: ValueError : if the two adjacency matrices do not have the same number of rows and columns. """ check_is_adj(g1) check_is_adj(g2) if g1.shape != g2.shape: raise ValueError('The two graphs have different numbers of nodes.')